Head Start by Big Five Community Services

Head Start is a comprehensive childcare program providing quality services for children and their families.

What is Head Start About?

Head Start provides for the emotional needs of every child on an individual basis and strives to identify and provide for any learning disability before the child enters public school. Medical, dental, nutritional, and mental health services are provided. Developmentally appropriate learning activities are provided that encourage self-confidence, independence, and promote social competence. Children experience a variety of activities that encourage cognitive, physical, and emotional growth. 

Big Five Head Start provides services in Blaine, Bryan, Canadian, Carter, Coal, Custer, Garfield, Grant, Harper, Hughes, Kingfisher, Love, Major, Okfuskee, Pontotoc, Texas, Woods, and Woodward counties in Oklahoma. To see a listing of the Head Start classrooms in your area, click the county below.   

Apply for Head Start

To apply, click on the application button for your county.


Blaine, Canadian, Custer, Garfield, Grant, Harper, Kingfisher, Major, Texas, Woods, and Woodward   


Hughes and Okfuskee

Original 5

Bryan, Carter, Coal, Love,  and Pontotoc